Smaller jeans!

  • I actually own a pair of size 10 jeans and they fit! Even better, I got them on clearance for $3. I've been between a 10-12 in dress sizes, but still very much a 12 in jeans, so this was a victory for me. Just wanted to share.
  • Congrats! The lowest I ever fit into were a size 11. It is a nice feeling, isn't it? Can't wait to be back to your size!
  • That's FANTASTIC! Jeans victories are SO SWEET! Congratulations!

  • Back to my original jeans size
    Last week I had to go shopping for pants since everything I had saved when I gained 50 lbs now is baggy.

    I'm back to my original size of 4 petite - only because at 5'1" I'm such a little person. There's still plenty of curves and saddlebags on me.

    I was so excited to fit into low rise jeans that I was dancing in the dressing room for a good 5 minutes!
  • That's so exciting! I have a pair of 15's that are my first mini goal. I keep them stretched out on the chair beside my bed so I can see them constantly. Another 5lbs and I should be able to get back into those.

    My next goal will be my 12's I would LOVE to be back in those by the end of May when we are going to Florida on vacation. That might be pushing it.. but I can hope (AND keep pushing play!)