Okay, Here's My Plan!

  • After a few days of mulling things over and talking with my mom and my best friend, Megan, I've come up with a small plan.

    First of all, let me introduce you all to someone who starts something, then grabs its by the head and squeezes so hard it bursts......ME! If I "Start" something, like a diet....there will be a "Finish" as well. I think that is where my failure has come in over the past few years.

    The exercising has been working. I believe it's been working because of the gradual additions. I started with Curves in November, made it through the holidays. Then Step in January. Now the YMCA in February. I'm sticking with it because it's note "BAM life change"!

    Onto the food. I need to lose weight, I get that, however I really just want to become a healthier person. So here are my goals, and remember these are the starters. If I can get through them and go further, I will in time.

    Food Goals:
    1. Abandon any food with high fructose corn syrup. (this would be so easy if I lived in Europe!)
    2. Drink 80 oz of water per day.
    3. Eat 3 cups of veggies per day.
    4. Cut back on eating out.
    5. No eating after 8 pm.

    Remember.....these are my STARTER goals. I know I should be eating more veggies and not have processed sugar of any kind. I'll get there. I need to give it time.

    Eating after 8 pm is where I think my main issue it. I go to bed regularly at 11, so 3 hours prior is when I should stop. Weekends is a little different because of the restaurant. I'll just have to stop drinking those crazy fat filled martinis and op for a glass of red wine.

    In any case, here are my fitness goals. The majority of these I'm already doing.

    Step Class - 3 times per week
    Elliptical - 3 times per week
    Curves - 3 times per week
    Nautilus Weight Circuit - 2 times per week
    Raquetball - 1 time per week

    I'm also going to aim to go grocery shopping on Saturday and cook the majority of the meals for the week on Sunday and freeze them. This should help with the eating out bit too!

    Thanks for your time ladies!