TBL Weight loss Planner

  • Have you seen this on newsstands? It has Amy on the cover. It's filled with recipes, workouts, tips, and a 30 day planner. It also outlines The Biggest Loser food plan (called the 4-3-2-1 Biggest Loser Food Pyramid):

    --4 servings of veg/fruit
    --3 servings of protein
    --2 servings of whole grain
    --1 serving of good fats

    You can also go to www.biggestloserclub.com/losebig for details about receiving The Biggest Loser Complete Calorie Counter free!
  • Do you have an image of the planner that's on the newsstands to help us spot it? I'm excited Amy got some coverage.
  • No, sorry! I went looking for it online and found nothing...

    It's about the size of a Prevention Magazine and has The Biggest Loser brand at the top. Amy's wearing a teal colored dress with black boots. She looks great!
  • Here is a link to Prevention and it looks like they published it. http://preventionguides.com/current_issue.shtml
  • Yep, that's it! It's only 96 pages, but lots of good stuff in it! Worth getting, IMO.
  • Jen thanks for posting it. I got one at Borders.
  • I'll have to look for it.. Thanks!

  • Hmmm... I couldn't find it at the grocery store today.
  • Great! Thanks for the link. I'll have to look for it at CVS today. They always have a good selection of Fitness Rx, Oxygen and the other "serious" health mags. Altho, I have a resolution against buying magazines since I kid you not have about 200 in my bedroom already. I'm so bad that I buy repeat issues on accident of things I already bought but haven't read yet. It's baaaaad.
  • Yesterday when I went shopping I got the People Magazine issue (1/2 Their Size) and the Biggest Loser Prevention Magazine. I got them at Giant for those of you that have one in your area. I really like the BL Weight Loser Planner specifically for the recipes. I am not a huge cooker so the fact that the recipes seem really easy to make and don't require a lot of ingredients works well for me. I think the BL Cookbook will be my next reward for meeting a mini goal.
  • I couldn't find it at Walmart either. But I didn't look at the magazines area, just the checkout area. Had my son with me, and didn't have enough time to look around...
  • I looked at Walmart today too- both in the magazione aisles and by the check outs. I can't find this anywhere but I really want one.