Lifestyle Change needs a new menu

  • Hi all.
    Hope you had a great Xmas. I am new to the site and was hoping to find some tasty/healthy recipes. I know all the right ways to lose weight and that is how I plan to do it. Get moving, no fast food, lots of water,etc. (I've read a few books.) But I do need a new menu to jump start my new lifestyle. Since it is just my husband and I, I would like something that he can eat w/out really feeling restricted. I will ofcourse watch my portions closely since that is what got me in this mess in the first place(among other things). I plan to make a menu for the week. I think organization will help w/ the discipline. I can't wait to get started. Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.
  • Hi Shey, good to have you here. Have you ever heard of intuitive eating? It is all about listening to your own body and what it needs.
  • Shey -- You've come to a great place! There ARE lots of recipes here. Which ones you want might depend on what kind of program you're doing (e.g., weight watchers, south beach, etc).

    There's also a great forum on food and nutrition you might want to look at!