looking for blog buddies...

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  • Hello out there,
    I've just started really working on my diet blog, and it's already motivating me more than I ever thought. I like it and I want it to be a success story.

    I started out last August (well, started for the thousandth time....) and I did Medifast for a while. I think it's a very useful program, but when I fell off the wagon and out of that ketosis state of carb freedom... I had such a terrible rebound that I'm just recovering from it.
    Mostly a mental thing. It was so much All or Nothing that I was in that mindspace and when it became "ALL" again, it was not good.
    I lost 30 and have gained back 20. I'm turning it around before I surpass myself...

    Check out my blog and if you like it, let me know. I will happily visit yours too.
    I really want to find some people to communicate with on this journey, and to support as well, if I can.

    thanks for reading me...

  • I really enjoyed visiting your blog!
  • Rochester, thank you SO much!
    It's really helping me focus. For some reason, it's motivating without triggering my rebellion..

    I just subscribed to your blog. I really like it and I have a lot more to explore there.
    I liked that fitness tracker, and I'd never heard of it.

    Good luck to you!!
    and thanks again,

  • I open a new blog with new Natural Diets used by europen celebritys, please take
    a look and write a review/comment on my blog: newnaturaldiets.blogspot.com
  • Hello Im also trying to really get into my blog. Since Ive gotten more serious about my journey ive been updating more. Check mine out as well
  • I just started mine as well! Feel free to keep up with mine and I will be more than glad to keep up with yours!

    We can all do this!

  • I love the title of your blog! Looking forward to following. :-)
  • I've just started my blog as well. It's weird, I feel kinda like I'm talking to myself. lol Feel free to visit mine and comment so maybe I won't feel like I'm talking to myself so much.
  • Hi ladies - will check out your blogs soon!
  • Hi hpnodat,

    I like your blog. Keep writing. I just started "following" you! You are not talking to yourself....

    take care,
  • Thanks Teresa, You may follow me but please, no stalking! lol j/k I like yours too but I cant figure out how to follow you. I'm new to the blog thing so I have no idea what I'm doing.
  • Hi hpnodat,
    As far as I know... subscribing is the same as following. The kind of setup you have with followers... is through blogger only and between blogger blogs.

    Anyway, I haven't figured out how to have that on mine.
    But you can subscribe if you want!

    I like your new yellow flowers. Pretty.

    FYI: your "Weight Loss tip of the day" link isn't working quite right.

    take care,
  • Wow.. great blog! I'll subscribe to your blog
  • I can't post links yet, but you can search my blog on Facebook.

    Search year of the shrinking mommy for my facebook page which will link you to my blog
  • Here is the link.http://yearoftheshrinkingmommy.blogspot.com