How To Post or Reply

  • Newbie Tips On How To Post A Message


    If you'd like to post a message on any of our boards, please find the board you'd like your message to appear on, find the thread and hit POST REPLY. Do not hit NEW THREAD unless you want to start a new topic.

    If you want to delete a post you made, hit the word EDIT to the right of your name within your post. There's a box you can check off that says DELETE, mark it and then hit DELETE NOW. If yours is the starting post in a thread, the whole thread will be deleted.

    If you would like to make corrections to a post, once again, you hit the word EDIT to the right of your name within your post, make your corrections and then hit SAVE CHANGES.

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!!!

    (Snitched from the Sugar Busters Board - with permission)
