Ezekiel 4:9 Bread

  • I have discovered this bread that has no flour and is comprised mainly with organic sprouted grains. It is from the Food for Life Co. and the ingredients are: sprouted wheat, sprouted barley, sprouted millet, malted barley, sprouted lentils, sprouted soybeans, sprouted spelt, filtered water, fresh yeast, sea salt, Total fat 0.5g total carbs 15g, fiber 3 g, sugars 0g per slice and 80 calories. Moderators, any opinion on this for phase one ? The company also has pasta, crackers etc in the same line. Sounds strange I know but it is an amazingly good flavor.
  • Michigan, I've been eating their products for several years now. They are GREAT!

    However, all those grains aren't allowed in Phase 1. Save this yumminess for Phase 2 and beyond.

    When you get a chance, try their cereal (kind of like grape nuts, but it has TONS of protein and no yucky stuff, and comes in four flavors!), their english muffins (the raisin ones make a great once-in-awhile treat! ), and their hot dog rolls!
  • Thank you for the info. Good to have some one in the know to rely on. Looking forward to trying the cereal.