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GlamourGirl827 08-20-2013 09:32 PM

Resuming exercise after baby
So I promised myself I would start working out 2 weeks post partm. I was told nothing strenuous before then because I had some abnormal bleeding and was pretty anemic.

Anyway I walked twice last week, 20something minutes on my treadmill, but the next day a 1.5 mile walk outside. After that I was severly sore in my hips again just like right after childbirth. I also had increased bleeding, so I decided to give it another week.

Today I'm 3 weeks post partum and I will be walking agian tomorrow. I'm hoping to do 3 days a week, but I'm hopimg to feel up to it this time.

I read some women are running races like 6 weeks post partum...seriously even without my insane weight gain, I would not be running anything 3 weeks from now!

When did you start working out again after baby? How did it go?

CanadianMomma 08-20-2013 11:03 PM

Hey GlamourGirl I just wanted to say that I'm in the same place as you. I'm 5 days postpartum and just looking at getting back into exercising. I have bounced back pretty quickly and got out for a walk two days ago, I was slow and a little sore after, but mostly my problem is trying to find the time. Between the newborn and my toddler I'll just have to make it a priority I suppose.

GlamourGirl827 08-21-2013 08:19 PM

First congrats!!Did you have a boy or girl? This is our 3rd boy.

Its good you're feeling good this soon. It sucks to fee; so crappy so long. I was back to "normal" the day after I had my 2nd son so I just expected this time to be the same...no...lol..this one really did a number on me.

Time is definitely an issue. I only walk on days my dh is off and i go right here in the neiborhood so i can come home right away if i need to. I'm breast feeding and dont have any supply pumped. But going with all the kids on my own, no thanks! lol

CanadianMomma 08-22-2013 05:35 AM

I had another girl, the first is 2 years and 3 months old.

This pregnancy was much harder, I was exhausted! But I lucky enough to have bounced back as quickly.

I use to walk first things in the morning before the hubby went to work. But now between the night time feedings (I'm nursing too) and my toddler occasionally waking up I just don't have the energy to get up at 5:30. I just keep reminding myself that they only stay this way for so long.

My favourite part about going for a walk is being able to be in my own head for longer than a minute, it's a no kid activity!

I guess for now I'll have to hope diet and nursing will help take off some lbs before I can get around to exercising. Although nursing makes me want to eat EVERYTHING I can find!

banananutmuffin 08-22-2013 11:10 AM

Hey guys. Chiming in here as the most PP of you all at a whopping 8 weeks. lol ;)

No exercise yet on this front. I had a c-section and didn't get the exercise clear until 6 weeks PP. And, to be honest, I just haven't felt like it. This is my third kid and 2nd c-section, and the recovery is just so much harder this time around. Being almost 40 years old probably doesn't help. lol

My plan is to start some light exercise next week. Probably just walking on the treadmill and some bodyweight exercises. I have had super bad plantar fascitis lately.

Once I can carry the baby on my back I'll be able to do more walking with the other two kids. Right now it's hard to manage all three of my little ones.

I set up a mini-circuit with an app on my cell phone. So if I get 5 minutes of free time, I can do it. I do 30 seconds of push-ups, then 10 seconds of rest, then 30 seconds of squats, then 10 seconds of rest, etc. for a total of about 5 minutes and 5 different exercises. My phone dings when it's time to switch exercises or rest. My kids do it with me sometimes. So it's something simple I can do when the baby is napping.

Bikini Ready 08-22-2013 12:41 PM

I had my little guy two weeks ago and am ready to get back to exercising! Before I delivered I had planned on starting exercising right away but after getting some input from others and paying attention to what my body was telling me figured I would wait a few weeks to exercise. I got the ok from my doctor to do some ab work because I did not get severe separation. My bleeding is very light now so think I might start trying to walk next week.

Congratulations to you all! I'm sure we are all in the same boat wanting to get our pre pregnancy bodies back. My biggest fear is I start doing too much too soon and make matters worse... that would be a huge bummer.

CanadianMomma 08-22-2013 02:44 PM

Banananutmuffin- a mini circuit sounds like a great idea. I might have to break down my usual routine into bite sized pieces and try it out myself. Right now I've only been squeezing in some Sahrmann Exercises to try and tighten up my core, they are easy enough to do while the newborn is napping and my toddler likes to do them with me -haha.

Bikini Ready- I had intended on really pushing the exercise right away too. But after doing some research and really looking at the hormones racing through the postpartum body I decided to just gauge by what I feel capable of. The less stress your body is under the easier it is to shed pounds, so if I need a nap I join the girls when they are sleeping.

GlamourGirl827 08-22-2013 02:53 PM

CanadianMomma - Congrats on your baby girl!! I too, used to workout in the am before dh went to work, but yeah, being up with a baby, I have no desire to purposely get up early to do anything. That's why for now workouts are only on his days off. Oh and I BF my other son adn was hungry all the time...but for somereason I'm not starving...which has me a little worried...I was shooting for 2000 cals a day, but I went over several times last week but not from hunger, more from "oh that cake looks good!"...lol. I decreased it to 1900, and haven't felt the hunger to go over, but if I do feel hungry I will let myself go over that, but trying not to go over for the sake of eating something that looks good.

Banananutmuffin - Hubby and I were just talking about this the other day, that c-sec have a harder road for recovery most of the time. When I was induced with this baby I was worried when I wasnt progressing, and they wanted to break my water. I remember telling the doc, breaking my water means no going back and if I dont progress I'll end up with a c-sec. I kept telling them I dont want to have that much recovery a head of me....idk, my cousin said she feels fine after her c-sections, but its still abdominal surgey! So I give you credit for recovering from surgery while taking care of a newborn, and the other kids! The more there are the harder it gets lol I like the circute idea with the phone. My little guy is just starting to "nap" the past few days...today I out him in the crib to do something and 2 minutes later I came back adn he's alseeo...and still sleeping like a hour later. I probably should get up and do something productive, but honestly I'm enjoying just sitting here on the couch typing on the computer with 2 hands! lol But I'm thinking in the next week or so, he will begin to take more reliable naps (sometimes I put him down and he's up in minutes) and I can start doing something small during that time.
Oh what kind of carrier do you have? I just bought one, and right now I can carry the baby in front of me but he has to lay on my, he usually sleeps when I out him in there. THe carrier I have says I can put him on my back eventually but I can imagine how I would get him there lol...I used a carrier once or twice with my other son, but never got into it. But I do like it since right now its sometimes the only way I get things done around the house.

Bikiniready - Definitely a good idea to wait a little time, but its so different from person to person whats right. Even each labor is different. I know with this one, after walking last week, that it was too soon, so I took a week and tried again yesterday and felt good. I would definitely start with walking though. I actually have not gotten the clear to exercise, which is why I am only walking until 6 weeks, even though I want to get back to joging and eventually running. BUt you're right, too much too quick, and we can get set back from over doing it.

banananutmuffin 08-23-2013 01:24 PM

GG: This will have to be short cause I am typing with one hand lol. I have a bunch of carriers. My fave is Angelpack but a lot of people love the Ergo (which is my hubby's fave). Carrying baby on back makes life soooooooo much easier, I think. Plus extra weight for more calorie burn! Putting baby on back takes some practice, but be patient and you will eventually get quick at it. Watch youtube for videos cause there are different techniques for getting them back there (I use hip scoot). I can get a kid strapped on my back in 20 seconds now. Practice.

CanadianMomma 08-25-2013 02:46 AM

I have the ergo carrier. My first daughter wasn't a fan but we didn't get it until she was around 6 months and she preferred being in our hiker at that point. We just spent the day at a teddy bear picnic today with my 8 day old in the ergo, she was very content. I found it super easy to put on and take off on my own.

I've got a question for everyone; how long did you notice your weight steadily going down for after birth? I had lost about 10lbs the day after (baby was 8 lbs 7 oz) and since then I've gone down another 8 or so. I was wondering how much longer I can watch the scale move so easily lol. I didn't pay any attention after my first pregnancy and have no clue what to expect.

GlamourGirl827 08-26-2013 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by banananutmuffin (Post 4823513)
GG: This will have to be short cause I am typing with one hand lol. I have a bunch of carriers. My fave is Angelpack but a lot of people love the Ergo (which is my hubby's fave). Carrying baby on back makes life soooooooo much easier, I think. Plus extra weight for more calorie burn! Putting baby on back takes some practice, but be patient and you will eventually get quick at it. Watch youtube for videos cause there are different techniques for getting them back there (I use hip scoot). I can get a kid strapped on my back in 20 seconds now. Practice.

lol yeah i'm basically always typig w/ one hand. Thats why sometimes in my recent posts i dont always capitalize the i's and I might skip a few apostrophies (thats spelt wrong i know). I'm getting used to the carrier but he doesnt always like it. It varies from him crying and I take him out to he sleeps in it. I would leave him in there if he'd have it! Sometime he just wants to held in a cradle hold and i dont have sling.

GlamourGirl827 08-26-2013 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by CanadianMomma (Post 4824346)
I have the ergo carrier. My first daughter wasn't a fan but we didn't get it until she was around 6 months and she preferred being in our hiker at that point. We just spent the day at a teddy bear picnic today with my 8 day old in the ergo, she was very content. I found it super easy to put on and take off on my own.

I've got a question for everyone; how long did you notice your weight steadily going down for after birth? I had lost about 10lbs the day after (baby was 8 lbs 7 oz) and since then I've gone down another 8 or so. I was wondering how much longer I can watch the scale move so easily lol. I didn't pay any attention after my first pregnancy and have no clue what to expect.

my weight went down steadiy until about 2 weeks ago, i'm 4 weeks PP. I was 232 going in to have the baby and I'm 210 now. It has stopped but I've been having issues with it seems my milk supply. I'm EBF and I started watching my cals at 2 weeks PP, around the time my weighloss slowed. I lost a pound that firsrt week but i notice that i'm still hungry. Anyway i already posted about it in another thread. I can say that when I formula fed my oldest son, the weight just kept coming off, but when I BF my second son, not a pound moved until he weaned. Are you BFing or FFing? Some women lose with bf, some don't.

CanadianMomma 08-26-2013 04:10 PM

GlamourGirl-I went in at around 175, came out at around 165 and I'm somewhere around 157 now. 20 lbs seems to be about the norm for the amount women lose easily right after birth. I'll hold out hope to drop down another few lbs.

I didn't pay much attention to my weight while I was nursing my oldest daughter. I guess I'll find out if I'm one of those that hold on to weight while nursing or if I am lucky enough to continue to lose.

I saw your other post; I wish I had some advice for you. I'm not a calorie counter myself, I just moderate my portions and eat to keep away hunger.

But I do know, especially when we are this early in the game, it takes time to coordinate everything involved in nursing. Maybe your little one didn't like the flavour of your milk because of something you ate? Maybe they were having digestion problems and weren't able to focus on nursing? I hope things start going easier for you.

banananutmuffin 08-30-2013 10:21 AM

CM: I've been tracking my weight. It leveled off with no more "easy" loss around 4 weeks post partum.

I tend to hold on to a few extra pounds when I'm breastfeeding.

GlamourGirl827 08-30-2013 03:33 PM

hey all, real quick, typing w/ one hand :) It ended up that my supply was just not enough, period. This is really upseting since I EBF my last son with no issues. However this little guy was readmitted to the hospital and I was asked not to BF until his bili as down. I pumped and was getting like 1/4 oz between both sides, used to get a few oz a breast with other baby, but didn't BF without pump until he was 9 days old. Basically my supply got of to a poor start, but I really thought I caught up after I started BFing. It seemed he was eating all. the. time. But I figured it was building my supply. Anyway he's a month old today and has not been gaining, so I'm back to supplementing. I also have hypothyroidism which I did not have with my other son whic I read can effect milk supply, and I was severely anemic after this baby, again can effect milk supply...
anyway not giving up yet, but ok with supplimenting if that's what has to be done. since I started supplementing he actaully sleeps more than 15 minutes! With bf he was cat napping in my arms for like 10-15 mins at a time then wake up crying to eat :( so i'd sit all day and bf.
my milk also came in late, 5 days PP, (by then baby was back in the hospital...it was weird b/c my milk came in on like day 2 with my other babies.

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