Are there any nursing mom's of older babies?

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    At what point did you worry less about getting everything you needed for lactation?
  • Are you nursing your 10 year old?
  • god no. I meant ten months. LOL

    She's eating tons of solids now, so I'm wondering if it's okay to start prioritizing weight loss.
  • LOL, Gale!...not passing judgment, just clarifying!

    I guess it depends on your own supply and how it is affected by diet. I have never really worried about it and started weight loss at a couple months postpartum. At about a year to 18 months pp I can work a couple 12 hour shifts a week without pumping and my supply is not affected. I nurse my babies until they are three. Everyone is different though, I think.
  • Nursing a 10 year old seemed a bit excessive, but to each their own.

    My second is almost 3 months old and I started WW again when he was 4 weeks old. As long as I eat all of my points I don't have any issues with supply. I think you should give it a shot and see how it goes. You'll be able to adjust accordingly if you see your supply being affected. I think (and this is just my experience) that my supply is more affected by whether or not I'm getting enough water. I do need to eat enough, but more than that I have to make sure I'm getting enough fluids. I start to see a drop in my milk production when I'm dehydrated.
  • Yes! DS is 2 1/2 and DD is 5 weeks. I'm going to start WW tomorrow. I'm not worried about supply because WW for BF moms is a lot of points!

    If you don't do WW, I'd try to start out with something like 2,000 calories a day and see if you lose weight. Nursing two is easily taking at LEAST 500 calories a day so 2,000 calories would be like 1,500...

    I need a buddy, do you have one yet? I don't know many other moms who long term BF and it's so nice to know more! I have 15-20lbs to lose.
  • I don't poke my head in here enough! I'm still nursing dd who will be 3 in April, let's see, she's 31 months old now. She's growing up so fast! She still nurses like a newborn, sometimes stays latched on all night long, still doesn't sleep through the night, sometimes a trial but always a joy!

    I guess the answer to your original question is: once baby is not exclusively nursing, getting supplemented with solids or formula, I get to be a little more lax with worrying. After 12 months was gravy! LOL Apparently nothing I've done has harmed my supply or my dd, thank goodness.

    Good luck!
  • Hi! I'm nursing an almost 2 year old (she turns two next month! ). I always had over-supply issues so I never really worried about it much but then again I haven't been focused on drastically cutting calories either (I'm losing about 2lbs/month on average so very slow but steady!). Any attempts I've made at cutting back more led me to be really, really hungry so I figured that was a cue from my body to wait until DD is nursing less (she's actually sick at the moment so she's pretty much nursing non-stop!) but even when she's healthy she still nurses quite a bit for an almost 2 year old.