Diabetic Meal Plan (PDF)

  • http://integrativemedicine.arizona.e...ealChoices.pdf

    In case it helps anyone with PCOS/IR. This one is 40-30-30.

  • This is great! I didn't notice you posted the link until today.

    It is a lot like the Mayo Clinic's Diabetes Book guidelines. So, the meal ideas are good for me!

    Funny how they are very exact on some of the meal idea portions and others, well, not so much!! Portion control seems so important...
  • Yup.

    DH teases me when he catches me drinking out a glass Pyrex measuring cup rather than a mug or glass but dude... I'm not washing TWO cups.

    Measure it and drink it right there.

  • What have you girls tried for weight loss?
  • Sorry, Skinnyontheinside17...just found your message!

    I lost my bit of weight following the Mayo Clinic Diet (I got the Diabetes version, but I think the regular diet is the same) It is basic eating guidelines. Half a plate of veggies, small amount of carbs and protein. Potato and corn are in the carb portion--not veggie portion. Snacks are only fruit and veg. I try not to drink any sugar. Exercise a bit...LOL

    I'm really trying to get the processed food out of our house and baking more. Tough with school lunch packing.

    I tried a diet by Prevention Magazine, but it had too many treats and carbs. Even though it had a lot of exercise, it didn't work for me.

    I also have the Beck dieting workbook for motivation. I recommend it.

    How are you doing? Are you on a specific diet?