Thinking of rejoining Jenny, what are/your Jenny experiences?

  • Hey,

    I did JC a couple times, lost about 20 or 30 lbs but stopped out of boredom with the food, but am thinking about trying to re-approach JC with a new perspective. I never tried doing JC's "meal on your own" where they give you guidelines such as food measurements for a meal and then you create the meal, like x oz protein, x cups fruit and veggies etc...

    Maybe I wasn't giving Jenny Craig my all. I'd like to try it again, I think and I may be able to afford it. I did gain the weight back when I stopped but my goal is to get to maintenance with Jenny Craig so I wouldn't have as many worries about gaining it back.

    What are your experiences with JC?
  • Honestly, I liked it. It helped me in that it was very easy, quick to fix. Not much planning needed to be on the program. I thought the food was pretty good. Some of it I really enjoyed. The weight came off consistent for me, about 1-3 lbs/wk. I did not cheat, but I was hungry for about 3 weeks. When I stopped the program I was able to keep my weight off. I follow a low-carb program now, but Jenny served a purpose and I think it is a good program!

    What I didn't like about it was the consultant visit. My lady was ridiculous and had very little knowledge (althought she thought she knew it all). It was annoying, I felt like I just wanted to skip that ridiculous step, get my food and leave. Also, the price was hard to swallow, but the convenience was key for me at the time.
  • I rejoined this week. For me its the convenience. I know its not a solution long term, but right now I just want to get some weight off. I lost quite a bit when I tried this before, but I quit before I got to maintenance because of the cost and I thought I could do it on my own.
  • Thanks for your replies.

    serendipityberry- I agree that it is a good program and that is why I am considering it again. I'm not sure how I feel about the consultant visits. Part of me thinks that they can be helpful, but another part of me thinks recognizes that they are just there to sell you stuff which is frustrating because at the same time they are supposedly providing you "support." I also feel that the initial consultation where they take your photo and measurements is kind of embarrassing.

    jannett- good for you and good luck to you! I really hope that it works out for you!

    brown- I have been wondering if I can get the weight off on my own without JC, it's just I am having difficulty so that is why I am debating trying it. I agree on my own would be much cheaper and I would have less boredom with food.

    SO I am really not sure what I am going to do, I am also considering ediets and am wondering if I should start a thread comparing ediets and JC. I guess ediets is different in that there is less realtime support and a little more expensive because of shipping but supposedly better quality food and more food to choose from. I don't know, still not sure yet. Thanks so much though everyone!
  • I need the accountability. I'm too easy on myself if I don't have to report to somone. When I signed up this time I was asked what I needed to make this work for me. I said I needed the consultants to be tougher on me, to give me a harder time. I don't want a pat on the back and say better next week, I want them to make me really think about what I'm doing. Day 3, so far so good, but I was very hungry today, probably because I've been overeating lately. I had a huge plate of vegetables tonight.