NSV - First of Many?

  • So I've been on my most current "journey" after falling off the wagon for a little over a week now. Last week, my mom gave me two pairs of jeans she found too big for her and said I could have them if they fit properly. Well, unfortunately for my big rear, they didn't fit! (Well, one pair fit over my butt, but I couldn't button it.)

    Anyway, here I am a week later, looking at those dreaded pants again (they're pretty good brand-names, so I didn't wanna just give them away! YES I'M GREEDY LOL), only to notice the size was actually a 9/10. Silently I told myself, "You're an 11 or 13 in juniors, no wonder they don't fit!" but I chose to try them on again. They're a little on the clingier side, but I could even button them up! I'm glad that not even two weeks in, I had this NSV. How motivating!
  • Wahoo!
  • Super yay!!!
  • That's great! Yeah!
  • Score a win for you!


    Long Term Goal: 86# to lose
    My Mini Goals:
    Under 200#
    Under 180#
    Weight at 156# (50# lost)
    Goal 142#
    Target date for Goal Weight- Feb 7, '14 (my 50th bday)