Mini Goal & a NSV!

  • Okay first off, I hit a mini goal with yesterday's weigh in! The mark was for 50 lbs, but weigh in brought me to a total of 51 lbs lost

    But I had been expecting that one for this weigh in, and while it was amazing to see it on the scale finally, I had an unexpected NSV that super brightened my day way more than the number on the scale did.

    I was over at family dinner(family does it every Sunday), and my grandma had bought these jean capris for my mom, a size 10. I was totally joking around that I could probably fit them by now, but I wasn't really serious b/c wow they looked waaaay too small for me. My grandma didn't think I could, tho, which made me want to prove her wrong lol.

    So I went to try them on. When I was pulling them up, I just kept thinking 'there is no freaking way, these are not big enough, oh god what am I doing I'm gonna have to go out there and say nope, still too big for them', but then they went up no problem & buttoned & zipped, and jfc they fit *perfectly*. Not tight or anything, and I could move just fine in them.

    So yeah! Looks like I can wear 10s now Though it makes me wonder if I'll ever be able to adjust my perception on what clothes I think I can or cannot fit, you know? Even the 12s I've been wearing, I take one look at them and think not a chance, or shirts smaller than XL I assume there's no way in heck will that fit me. And when I see my old clothes, it still strikes me initially that those are my size.
  • Very awesome!

    I think we all have the same issue with our new sizes. I have no idea when we get over it lol.
  • Congrats! I cannot imagine being a size 10! I think it's common for people to have a skewed view of what they look like/how big they are. I haven't lost enough weight to make much of a difference but I know I tend to pick up clothes and think they are too small when in reality they fit just fine or are slightly too big. I've been this size for a few years... I'm sure ill be in denial when I lose enough to go down a size.