Finally, I'm out of my rut!

  • So, I was stuck going back and forth with the same 1lb for about 5 weeks. Things have been a bit rough and I found myself doing a lot of emotional eating and just feeling unmotivated.
    Well, I'm happy to say that I'm back on track, re-motivated and FINALLY in the 170's!!!
    I'm also pretty proud that during those 5 weeks, I still counted calories (even when I'd eaten way too many) and that I didn't gain more than a pound.
  • Good for you. Counting calories while going over your daily allotted would be hard for me. When I am a emotional eater I want no proof. I am sure that's what helped you only gain a pound.
  • Good for you! We've all had those times when we get stuck and are pretty sure that we'll never see any more positive changes. That's always been an excuse for me to just abandon the effort and resume the bad habits that got me here in the first place. Being able to hang in there and re-commit, keep on counting the calories, and push yourself through it is a huge win. And maybe it's a big behavior change as well? If so, you should give yourself a double congratulations!
  • Thank you, both!
    Mama Whitty, you have no idea how many times I ALMOST put down that I ate less calories and I though to myself 'who, exactly, are you trying to fool? You're the only one that sees this and why lie to yourself'.
    It was a good behavioral change, betsy2013, to just stop lying to myself.
  • Good for you!!!
  • Way to go! Now to keep going, stay strong
  • Congrats and you can do it!
  • Good for you! So happy for you!