Got mah tracker!

  • Woot! Wanted to be here (and on track) long enough to get a tracker! Great Success!
  • Woot!!!

    I was very excited when I got my tracker too And you've done awesome with your weight loss so far!!!! There's something very satisfying and motivational when you can see a physical representation of your weight loss ^_^
  • I want a tracker! How long did it take for your sig to open up?
  • 20 days n 20 posts!

    Thanks, Buffin! I'm feeling weak today, too. So getting the tracker helps.
  • Im impatient... I can't wait for my tracker either! So I now your happy, and congrats on the weight loss. Keep going !
  • Thats sweet! I want one! Not that I have anything to track yet lol

    Good for you looks like you are doing great!