I lost a total of....

  • 90 lbs!

    2 more pounds to my original goal weight which was my pre-pregnancy weight. 12 more pounds until my new goal weight!

    Im really excited! I finally see the light at the end of the weight loss tunnel!
  • Whoo-hoo!!! What an amazing accomplishment! Congrats!
  • Wow what an achievement! I am three pounds from my weigh loss goal and I can truly understand your excitement at seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Pictures!!
  • Congratulations!!
  • Bravo!!!
  • Thank you so much everyone!

    Valid28, doesn't it feel good to see that light?

    thedollylala, I don't have any before or after pics, I have no way to load one up on the computer anyway. But, I look like the way I did before I had my son so I am really happy about that!
  • Look at you lady! Awesome job! Congrats!!!
  • Congratulations--that's wonderful!
  • Super yay! Congrats!!!
  • Awesome!!
  • Amazing, and inspiring!! Congratulations on your past achievements, i hope you are still there!

  • Thank you so much everyone~! The scale is still going down!
  • Wow, I can't wait till I get there. Congratz. Any tips??
  • Congrats!