1st Goal Done... 50lbs Down

  • So as of this morning I am 270.6 which means I met my first major goal. 50lbs lost from my highest which was 320lbs. Its such a mixed feeling I am happy to have lost to much but I am sad because I really let myself get so bad. The last time I saw 270 I was 13 weeks pregnant with DS over 4 years ago.

    I am so proud that I have done this. That I didn't take some magic pill but that I earned every pound loss

    Now I am not sure how noticeable my weight loss is (I am kinda short). But there are two before shots from a work retreat and yup I was eating. One photo I had to do some serious editing to get it to post. The other was taken about 10lbs ago when I went swimsuit shopping

    ETA: And I about 30lbs down since joining all you wonderful people here. Thanks for all your help and encouragement. I still have a way to go

  • Congratulations!! 50lbs is an awesome loss!!
  • Congrats! 50lbs is awesome!
  • Congrats!!!!
  • That's awesome!