My mini goals

  • OK - I have nothing to report yet.......I am completely overwelmed by the amount of weight I have to lose...72 lbs. I'm thinking I will break it down into 8 mini goals of 9 lbs each. Yeah... I can handle losing 9 lbs at a time.
    Thanks for listening!
  • Sherri--great idea!! I've found that I've been much more motivated to reach the mini-goals I've set for myself, rather than focusing on the entire journey ahead! It's so fun to consider the mini-rewards that go along with those goals, too Good luck!
  • Thanks!
  • I have done the same thing I 10 pounds at a time times 10
  • Good Luck!! I hope it works for both of us....
  • focus on the day. what can you do today that will help your weight-loss goals. that works for me
  • I like it! Thanks for the suggestion........
  • Sherry you can do it!! only 10 lbs to lose!!! (then start again)
  • That's what we focus on at weight watchers - just small incremental goals.