35 down

  • Sorry, no decent before pic. This was 2 days before my 5th baby. That day i weighed 177 but only dropped down to my usual 160- 165 after he was born and it stuck there.

    I was lucky and unlucky enough to fall very sick with my gallbladder making me unable to eat - literally. I dropped all my weight in less than 7 weeks ...i have gained 8 back since then..because i lost weight so fast i also lost muscle tone so am very flabby on the thighs, butt and inner tummy.. I want to lose another 8lbs and gain muscle.

    Thanks for looking and please excuse my typos..i am on an ipad..

  • You look fantastic! Not sure where to plan to lose the 8 pounds from you are already so skinny and looked toned! I would love to have a body like yours someday! Good luck on the last 8 pounds.
    Again you look awesome!
  • Wow!!!! I have to agree! You look super
  • I agree with the other two posters. Where in the world could you possibly have 8 pounds to lose? I think you look great!
  • You look fantastic!
  • Wow, that's one hot momma!
  • WooHoo!! Gosh girl you look amazing!