Jeans NSV - Gap size 16

  • I desperately need a new pair of jeans, but finances are tough. The pair I'm currently wearing are size 22. Earlier this year I had been unable to wear them they were so tight, but now they have to belted or else they will fall off.

    So I was shopping online, hoping I could squeeze a new pair of jeans into my budget next month when I remembered my "holy grail" jeans. They're size 16 gap jeans from 15+ years ago have been tucked away in my closet forever. I used to try them on from time to time, but I haven't been able to pull them up past my thighs in over a decade. I decided to give them another try, just to see were I'm at. So I pulled them out, dusted them off, held them up and it did NOT look promising. I stepped in, pulled them up, past thighs, past hips and they buttoned!

    Now it will probably ~5-10 lbs before these jeans can make a public appearance. They fit well in my legs and booty, but from the front:"Holy muffintop, batman! Even so, I'm super excited and just had to share
  • Quote: I desperately need a new pair of jeans, but finances are tough. The pair I'm currently wearing are size 22. Earlier this year I had been unable to wear them they were so tight, but now they have to belted or else they will fall off.

    So I was shopping online, hoping I could squeeze a new pair of jeans into my budget next month when I remembered my "holy grail" jeans. They're size 16 gap jeans from 15+ years ago have been tucked away in my closet forever. I used to try them on from time to time, but I haven't been able to pull them up past my thighs in over a decade. I decided to give them another try, just to see were I'm at. So I pulled them out, dusted them off, held them up and it did NOT look promising. I stepped in, pulled them up, past thighs, pat hips and they buttoned!

    Now it will probably ~5-10 lbs before these jeans can make a public appearance. They fit well in my legs and booty, but from the front:"Holy muffintop, batman! Even so, I'm super excited and just had to share
    Awesome!!! What a great feeling!!! I'm so happy for you!!
  • Congrats!!!

    and LOL @ holy grail jeans. I have a pair of size 16 old school Victoria's Secret jeans from I don't even know when - maybe 20 years ago? No spandex or stretchiness at all, and I'm looking forward to wearing them again at some point. No idea when though, as I have no clue what I weighed when I did wear them before.
  • Thats awesome! Bet that was an amazing feeling.

    Do you have preferences of where you shop? I'm a size 18 and I find great deals at Vanity(If theres one near you). Sometimes even jeans for $10, but theres almost always racks for Less than 20. Gordmans has good deals too. It's a better option for your budget if theres just a little extra to spare.
  • Congratulations! I also have a pair of shorts in 16's that I have been holding onto forever. Congrats again....
  • woohoo!! thats great!! i know how that feels!!
  • that is awesome i know exactly how you feel.

    i have a pair of size 18 (old navy) jeans that i recently found i can do the same with (and earlier this year my 24s were a bit tight)
  • Go girl!!!

    I just began fitting into my "holy grail jeans" (lol) too from 7 years ago. It feels awesome! You'll be wearing yours out in public, muffin-top free in no time!
  • I've been over 250 for 25 years, so my holy grail jeans were tossed long ago, but I still know what you mean. I was in 24's. I took them in - twice. They looked OK, but I wanted new ones, so I bought 1 pair of 18's when they were on sale and put them aside for the weekend of my nephew's wedding mid May. They were still too snug. Then the weather warmed up and I didn't really need them for a few weeks. I went to the closet 2 weeks ago to get them because it was a cold day for mid June - they were too big! Returned them and got 16's.

    I got the 16's (Lee Riders) at Gabriel Brothers for $9.99. Check there if you have a "Gabe's" near you. Less than half the regular cost of Lee's. I also found jeans at the Vanity Fair outlet for under $15.00 in the old days. It's great to need a smaller size, but it stinks to have to pay out for something you know is a short term purchase.

    I'm hoping your holy grail jeans fall off your butt in a short time!

  • Congratulations!!

    I know this feeling. Last year (Before I got pregnant) I fit into my 7 for all Mankind size 28 (US Size 6) jeans and I was so excited. After my baby having, I dont know if I will ever fit into those again.
  • That is so exciting, congrats!!

    I have some "holy grail" suit pants I've been wanting to wear for 3 years.. cannot wait.
  • Thank you all for your kind words I was so excited and I knew this was the perfect place to share this accomplishment. Thank you keller and linJbar for the store suggestions, unfortunately they I don't think they have them here in Cali. But we do have goodwill, and I found some super cute 18's that seriously look brand new for $5.25. Hooray for bargain jeans that fit!

    As for the "holy grail" jeans, I'm not sure what has possessed me to keep them so long, it's been over ten years - probably closer to fifteen. I think I've been trying hold onto the feeling I had when I was able to buy/wear them. Even at the time it had been many years since I had been able purchase a clothes at a store that carried standard sizes -it was a "moment". Unfortunately it was really a moment, in that it did not last long I had lost ~70 lbs due to a side effect of some medication - it was magic. But the magic ended when the medication did not work for it's primary reason and the pounds came back with a vengence and brought some friends. So, no magic this time just LOTS of hard work, which actually makes this victory even sweeter

    Congrats OhThePlaces -a big high five to wearing the "holy grail" jeans in public! WooHoo!!!!
  • Congrats!!! That must be the best feeling. Gap is my used-to-buy-everything-there-want-to-again store. I'm juuust now fitting into their 20 jeans and XXL tops. I can't wait to see their 16s!

    I bet your 16s from 15 years ago are actually closer to a 14 today, or maybe even lower. You should go to a store and try some on to compare!

    My true holy grail jeans are my beaten up American Eagle jeans from high school, size 14. They're not the smallest I was, but I'm pretty sure if I could fit into them now I'd be happy at that weight. *sigh*

    Congratulatons again
  • well done!!!!! I do the same, im now "into" every pair of jeans in my wardrobe (like you some arent quite ready to be seen out in)

    & how many ive had to chuck away after wearing cos they are just too big!!!!! Thats the best!

    Well done & keep going!