Little Tuesday Humor

  • Here is how I know I'm in the mindset of losing and changing!!!

    Today I got the dreaded e-mail... My small town high school does a 5-year reunion( for some silly reason ) and I just knew it would be planned any day now!
    Well the e-mail informed us of when and where the reunion plans were being set...
    and the FIRST thing I did was.....

    Reached into my purse, pulled out my little "Black Book"(weight loss log) and Wrote down a new Mini Goal jotted in there....

    New mini Goal... get Super sexy before Mid-October (or be down 40 more pounds, whichever comes first!!! )

    :LETS GO!!!!!
  • Good luck ! And plan om buying a sexy , new outfit !
  • I so will! I think that's the most exciting part!!!