Mini Goal Met!! <3

  • I'm sooooo excited!! I made my mini goal today!! I'm in ONEDERLAND!!!!!! Wooooohooooooo!!! 25lbs down, 49 (ish) to go!!!
  • Great Job!
  • Congrats!!
  • Thank you so much!!! I'm still teetering right here on the edge, but I'm just so happy to be making progress! Even just losing 25 lbs has given me so much more energy!! I still loathe cardio, though!!
  • awesome job keep it up!!! =)
  • Me too! I made it a few days ago, and have since cropped up to 201 then back down again. I want it to STAY DOWN!!!
  • Keep Going! You can't quit now!
  • Well done! Keep up the great work xx
  • Yay! Doing great!
  • Way to go!!! You are well on your way to goal. Keep up the good work.
  • Congratulations! You have to feel Great making such an accomplishment! I think You have it Figured out!