Getting over the last plateau to my goal!!!

  • It's been a busy year since I've been on this site...but I still managed to get down to my goal weight! The thing is ,once I get past a 5 pound mark I start overeating..this could last for a good month.If I catch it,I'm only held back for a few days and I go back to losing; If I don't,I end up gaining back not only that five ,but maybe another and it takes me weeks to get back on track..I got up to 185 earlier this year from 172 and was so stressed I just decided to keep it there until I felt like really making an effort again.I've gotten down to 160 twice so far,right now I'm between 165-167 and trying to stay under 165 during the holidays....Does anyone else here binge?
  • I do not think I would be overweight if I never binged! Good job on your success, I think that even with set backs is important to no give up on the big picture. There is an entire forum for binge eating
  • Congrats on all of your success - you're pounds away from your goal - quite an achievement - good for you!

    You're not alone in having setbacks and detours on your way to reaching it - all of us do. But, with each detour, you got back on track and moving forward - that's what's important and a great lesson for the rest of us - not giving up.

    Good luck with the the last few pounds - we'll all be here rooting you on!