First 15 Lbs Gone

  • Im so excited to be 15 lbs smaller!!!! I am one month into following the Sugar Busters way of life, I had no idea I would lose that much in my first month. I have alot more to go but by taking baby steps Im going to make it. Any advice on how to get over a plateu would be appreciated ( I've heard I might hit one now)
  • Wooo!! Congrats!

    Changing up my diet and fitness routine help me when I am "stuck".

    Good luck with your goals.

  • GREAT!!! You can do this!
  • Way to go! I'm right there with ya! Just hit my 15lb mark a couple days ago. Feels great doesn't it? Makes you get real excited for 20!
  • Well Done!

    You will be at your goal in no time!
  • Great job!
  • Congrats!!!
  • Thanks so much for the support and words of wisdom!!!! I'm so glad I found this site. Lauren how long has it taken you to get to 33 lbs down? cannot wait till I see that number
    Way to go everyone!!!!
  • Excellent !! Well done !
  • Fantastic! I wouldn't worry about a plateau at this point, there is no reason to think you will hit one! Just keep up the great work!