I didn't realize how different my face looks!

  • Every day I look in the mirror and I would swear my face hasn't changed despite the weight loss... but I was looking through old pictures yesterday and the difference is very significant!
  • you look so much younger (and rested)
  • Keep it up chickie...you look absolutely fabulous.
  • You look awesome, and I'm so jealous of your skin. It's so clear!
  • Wow! You really do look younger! Keep up the good work.
  • Weight loss really defines your face! I can't believe the face that I forgot I had hiding under my fat. You look GREAT! Your skin is flawless.
  • Wow! You look so much younger!
  • You look great! So much more radiant! Keep it up
  • You've got beautiful lips and a nose i envy. Some of us do not carry fat on our faces well. i'm definlitey one of those. At a certain point i start too look bloated.

    You look great now. Your skin so much more healthy.
  • You look soo much younger and your skin looks great! Keep up the great work!
  • Excellent work you are working on!! Great job!! Keep on,keeping on!!
  • Wow! Your skin looks so healthy! Great job
  • Such a beautiful complexion. I have NEVER ever had that.
  • What a difference, your face is positively glowing now.
  • Good job!