Why not milk?

  • Does anyone know why milk isn't on any of the MRC menus? I always thought we needed milk to stay healthy. It just doesn't seem right not drinking any for 4 1/2 months. I have a hunch that perhaps it will interfere with the ketosis state but even still..... It just doesn't seem like a good idea to go without. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
  • I think it's because of the carbohydrate/sugar in milk (in the form of lactose). In some of the MRC meal plans you are allowed milk.

    You actually don't need milk to stay healthy. You can get calcium from many other sources including some vegetables.
  • I will be so happy when I can add it back in. I LOVE milk and would even like to have some skim milk.
  • nwcgina -Thanks for your input! I forgot to mention that I am on the MetaSlim plan. Perhaps over time maybe I'll get used to not having any milk. I'm going to ask the center about it next time I go to weight in this week to see if it would hurt to have some every now and then.... Congrats on your weight loss!!!

    rwquilts - I am like that too... I crave it. But it seems to be more of just a normal craving tho. It's like my body is saying 'I need milk". lol Congrats to you as well for your weight loss!
  • You definitely don't need milk to stay healthy. In fact, there's a human gene that is supposed to turn off after you stop breastfeeding, meaning that you shouldn't be able to drink milk at all after you're a baby. The only reason we're able to is because in our culture we drink milk consistently enough for the gene to stay on (our gene thinks we are breastfeeding well into age 60 and beyond!).

    Also, I'm a big believer that there's no sane reason to drink your calories.
  • I wish my gene would turn off! At least I'm not craving ice cream anymore!!! Congrats on your weight loss!
  • I miss my milk too, but you can get calcium from many other sources & if you buy the vanilla drink it is kinda like drinking vanilla milk if you want to trick yourself into thinking you are drinking milk
  • Thats one that I miss too is milk and am on Metaslim, if you take Greek Yogurt and make a smoothie out of it by adding fruit and water and your favorite HNS it make a great "milk like" drink plus a quick and easy breakfast
  • Quote: Thats one that I miss too is milk and am on Metaslim, if you take Greek Yogurt and make a smoothie out of it by adding fruit and water and your favorite HNS it make a great "milk like" drink plus a quick and easy breakfast
    What kind of greek yogurt do you buy? I'm not a yogurt fan but i'm willing to try it.