Gain weight and need to return

  • I was almost at my goal weight last year and ran out of money. I have gained just about all of it back. Need help!!!!!! I have the menus and some of the hns drinks from last year. Now I need the will power. Where can I get a corti trim like that of metabolic? or the enhancer?
  • Just wanted to say hello and welcome back! Good luck on your journey this time.
  • Concentrate on your diet first. Lots of people o these boards do not use all the pill supplements. You can get the nutritional ones through DietDirect and elsewhere. The pills are not really proven, so if money is a concern, I would skip them for now. Good luck!
  • Welcome back! I just went back to MRC today. I've never felt better in my life than when I am on this program. I tried for 3 mos to do things like My Fitness Pal (which I still really like) but ulitmately I needed that accountability and support of weighing in. I had lost 70 lbs and gained 20 lbs back (I was able to maintain for a long time). I went back to my crazy emotional eating, etc, and knew I had to reel it in before I went even more out of control. Good luck and keep on checking in will help in between weigh ins.
  • welcome back .... skip the pills, focus on the diet
    take a multi-vitamin and an oil (fish or flax) and some type of HNS (which you can easily purchase elsewhere)
    good advice already given -- focus on the diet
  • It is always good to hear about those that have had long term success with this program. Some of us are in it for the first time, and it is sorta scary to hear about losing all that weight just to gain it all back again I pray that I will stay focused and never gain back what I have lost....

  • Quote: I was almost at my goal weight last year and ran out of money. I have gained just about all of it back. Need help!!!!!! I have the menus and some of the hns drinks from last year. Now I need the will power. Where can I get a corti trim like that of metabolic? or the enhancer?
    I'm in the same boat. I lost 30 pounds on the plan, then couldn't afford it anymore. I gained 40 pounds back. I have to say though, I went a little crazy. I've just been eating whatever and however much I want and haven't been exercising at all. I'm ready to restart on my own tomorrow. I'm going to be starting the pre-conditioning tomorrow and plan to start on program on Friday. I've been having a lot of life isssues getting in the way of keeping away from the emotional eating so hopefully I can get on top of that garbage and be successful..