week 1 weigh in - down 4 lbs!

  • So, I've officially been on MF for a week and am down 4 lbs! Although technically I feel much more than that because it took me about 7 months BEFORE MF to lose 15 lbs, so I'm down 19 from my all-time high of 175. I'm now 156.

    My "goal" is 130 but really my goal is to not have an overweight BMI, anything less than that would be just to look good really, so I'm plugging along..

    I'm now just 11 lbs overweight for my height but already my clothes are looser and I feel so happy!
  • Woohoo!!!! That's GREAT! Ketosis rocks!
  • Thanks Andi! Just hope to keep on losing
  • That's a great success! I am stepping on the scale tomorrow morning for my week 1 weigh in. I hope I am at least as successful!
  • Congrats on your loss! Keep up the great work - I'm almost 8 weeks in and have lost 25 pounds!!!