A Year of Free Dresses for 120 lbs Lost

  • Hi 3FCers,

    I am asking for your help. I have entered a contest to win a Year of Free Dresses from ModCloth for displaying your personal style and, of course, I would like to win. So...PLEASE VOTE FOR ME (http://bit.ly/13cLZ2t). Although I have lost nearly 120 lbs, I only have about 10 articles of clothing that I can wear without belting them to within an inch of their lives and my circulation. This is embarrassing. Most of these items you can see in the pictures (I hope you like them!). I am a simple poor graduate student who cannot afford new things, which is a shame since I start my first "real" job in two months and I doubt my future boss and co-workers will appreciate my oversized jeans and t-shirts as much as I do. I am appealing to the poor students and sympathizers on this forum. Please view my photos and my essay and VOTE FOR ME at http://bit.ly/13cLZ2t. And this goes without saying, but feel free to submit your own entry. But don't forget to VOTE FOR ME (http://bit.ly/13cLZ2t)! Thank you, 3FCers!

    P.S. If the links do not work, please vote for Bianca of St. Louis, MO on ModCloth's Facebook page (Year of Dresses Contest). Thanks again!
  • I voted for you. Good luck!
  • I voted too, you look great! Keep up the hard work!
  • I voted, hope you win.
  • I voted! Congrats on your weight loss you look great! Also, I wish I had your sense of style. I'm going to need to take classes or something xD.
  • Thanks everybody for your votes! I'll update you if I win.
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! You definitely deserve a new set of clothes, so you have my vote too.

    By the way, I LOVE Modcloth!
  • I voted too! Congratulations, you look great!