So frutrated...I stopped losing weight.

  • Hi there
    I have been on the LA weight loss plan for 6 weeks now and I haven't lost a single pound in 3 weeks. I lost 12 pounds real fast and now my body is at stand still. I did the take 2 on monday and Tuesday last week and suffered through two days and didn't lose anything again. I am starting to get very discouraged and not feeling a whole lot of eagerness to continue. Does anyone have any advise to me as to why I stopped losing weight. I am not dealing with a centre because it closed down here, so I do not know if I should be eating differently now or stay the same all the way through.
    I eat 3 protein, 4 veggies, 3 fruit, 4 starches, 2 dairy, 2 fat
    The only thing is that sometimesI do not eat all I should eat. I feel that if i cut out on some starches i will lose faster so I have been eating only 3 starches a day. I am also not eating the bars. I looked everywhere for the luna's and could not find them and I couldn't find anything that was comparable.
    Can anyone give me some tips on how to get the scale moving again, othrwise i'm afraidthat I woun't last all that much longer
  • Are you exercising at all? If not, that might help things along. My losing really slowed when I stopped eating all my servings as's tough to wrap your head around the fact that you have to eat more to lose.
    Now maybe it's just taking your body awhile to adjust.....12 pounds in 6 weeks is a really good loss!
  • Shy, I don't think you are eating enough! Truly, if you don't eat, your metabolism will shut down. What happens is a fast weight drop followed by nothing. It sounds like what you are experiencing. I would add back in that starch, and maybe one bar a day and see if the scale starts moving for you.

    If you feel that you do not lose well eating starches, since some people just don't lose well on them, you could try switching to one of the colored plans instead. I know that there have to be lots of descriptions on this web site of what the different plans are. The starch and protein servings are different on the colored plans than on the numbered ones. Generally you get a little less starch and a lot more protein per serving.
  • also try eating a starchy vegetable instead of a bread or cereal, this may help as well.
  • I agree Shy. You need to eat more especially if you are not eating any bars. I use special K protein bars they are really good and similar to the Lites. Also the Luna bars I used to use. You need to add Protien and starch I think?
  • I know it`s hard to find replacement bars in Canada...we don`t have the Luna bars or the special K protein bars...closest thing I found was Slimdown bars...but I ended up just buying a lot of lites on Ebay...but you can do it without the lites...just make sure u go up a plan when not using lites
  • I bought Luna bars on Amazon before. I imagine that they will ship to Canada. I just went and looked and they are selling 15 bar boxes for 17$ with free shipping. I think I might stock up again on these.
  • Nope, amazon won't ship em to Canada, I checked. We have Amazon Canada but they don't sell food. I think our FDA is stricter in Canada maybe....not sure..
  • yeah our FDA is very strict I have been having a hard time finding a good replacement as well for the bars...
  • It is absolutely essential to get ALL of your foods in. I started on the same plan you are on and it was hard at first to get all of it in. I started to form a kind of schedule so that I could fit it all in. Keeping a food diary is the best thing to do so that you can keep track of what you are eating or missing. I stopped keeping a food diary and then I stopped losing weight, so I highly recommend the diary! There are lots of substitute bars listed around the boards that you can try--I consider the bars to be essential to the weight loss, also.