Help! I just don't know what diet to choose!

  • Okay I wanted to start a new diet tomorrow because I am 205 pounds and hate it!

    I just don't know which of these 3 diets to choose. I can't afford much but really loved weight watchers until I found out how easy it is to "cheat" plus the ladies that weighed me in made me feel horrible that I gained

    Anyway my options are

    1) You on a diet
    2) The best life Diet
    3) I can make you thin

    I own The best life diet but I'm sooo worried I'm not picking the right diet. I really like dr oz but I don't know. I like how discovery health is a free website and they have the national body challage

    I subscribed to the bestlife and feel like I was ripped off

    What do you all think I should do. What worked for you?
  • I can make you thin is basically intuitive eating (eat when hungry stop when satisfied) with hypnosis thrown in. I like IE and have been using it for awhile and have lost 25lb. It isn't fast but you eat like you normally would just less, listening to your hunger and satisfaction. The last 2 days I've hardly been hungry and concerned that food wasn't going to taste good anymore. Imagine that? Today was different and things tasted better. I was eating too much of the same thing, a problem I have.
  • Well, only you can decide what diet is best for you.
    As you can tell from the main forum page, there are lots of diets represented here.

    I personally have used calorie counting and just cutting back in the past, and always gained and lost the same lbs. over and over again. Why? Because once I hit my goal weight, I start back with my old habits and the weight comes back on. It always comes back quicker than it went away!

    Currently I am following Paul McKenna's plan.
    If you are hungry, eat.
    Eat only what you want, not what you think you should.
    Eat consciously.
    When you think you are full, stop.

    Easy enough on paper, but I'm struggling this week. Maybe it's almost that time of the month?

    Mostly it comes down to eating less (than you do now) and fitting exercise into your day. Paul McKenna has a free website if you want to check it out (

    Best wishes
  • Have you read through the sticky notes in the Calorie counting section? There is alot of information that will be useful to you no matter what diet you choose.
  • Why are those three plans your only options? South Beach, Sonoma, Flat Belly (as much as I hate the name), and SugarBusters (just to name a few) are healthy plans that have worked for lots of people. I love South Beach--many have the misconception that it is a low carb plan, but it is not. Rather, it teaches you to choose good carbs and good fats.

    In the end, you're the only one who can choose the best plan for you. And yes, you might have to try more than one before you really find the best fit. Many of us start out on a certain plan and then sort of tweak it to make it better fit our personal lifestyles. I did this with South Beach. I still focus on good carbs and fats, and I still follow many of the other elements of the plan, but I also track my calories and sodium (high blodd pressure), which are not required on the plan.

    What is it you struggle most with? portion sizes? sugar crashes? processed foods vs. whole foods? Maybe if we know what your goals are (other than simply losing weight, of course), we can offer more helpful suggestions
  • Oh yeah, I wanted to add that Paul McKenna's plan is not a "diet".
    No foods are off limits as long as you follow the rules.
    He says the viscious cycle of going on a diet/going off a diet is what has made us fat.
    We need to listen to our bodies and eat when we're hungry and stop when we're full.
  • There is no single diet that will work for everyone. Most successful losers find that, although they may start with a particular plan, in time it evolves to something alittle more their own. Don't forget this has to be something you can live with (and on) forever.