Hello All, new member from Ohio

  • Hi everyone, I stumbled upon this website and it seems like a wonderfull advice engine for someone like me. I am 23 and i am desparately trying to lose weight. When I met my husband, a police officer,6 years ago I was a trim 120, four years later after giving birth to out daughter I found myself hovering at 190. Two years have passed and I have trickled down to 155, but I would love to get to a healthy 135. I know I will never be that slim teenager again, but I want to feel good and look good in my clothes. I have tried WW and LA weight loss and have had ok resluts. I am not on adkins and have been on it for 3 weeks and have lost 10 lbs. It is ok for now, but I feel like it isnt a good life maitenance plan. I have read numerous threads and this sounds like a great place for beauitifull women to coma and share stories and experiences. I look forward to talking to you all!

  • HI! Morgan welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am from the great state of Ohio just wish we would have more sun right nowLOL hope that you meet some people to help you along the way at least you have started something that is the first step at leasy you are half way to where you want to be just keep it up Rita
  • Hi Morgan..
    Glad your here.
    I'm in southern Oh.
    I was on Atkins for 3 months and decided against it, now I am following a lowfat high fiber plan and losing weight again,
    I am a member of a group called "APRIL CHICKS" we are April joiners, some this April, some have been members of 3fc since last April, but it is a new group, about 8 of us.
    If you would like to check it out go to "support" then to "april chicks"