Ready to get serious!

  • Hello strangers! My name is Chesney, I'm 23 and I'm finally ready to get serious about starting my weight loss journey. I'm a 2nd year teacher and 1st year graduate student. The stress, lack of sleep, and crazy work led to a lot of stress eating and drinking over the past several months and a complete halt of all exercise. Now that I have the summer off and some time to breathe I'm ready to reevaluate my life and work some healthy habits into a routine that I will hopefully keep as I get back to work in the fall.
  • Hi there Chesney!
    I'm also new to the forums and was looking for someone i might be able to relate to
    I'm from the UK and work full time in financial services. Last year, I worked these hours whilst studying a Masters degree in the evenings and put on around a stone.
    Crazily enough I was seeing a Personal Trainer at the same time, I've very recently stopped seeing her or various reasons and realised that I think it actually did more harm to my self esteem than gold in the end few months
    I'm now about 6 pounds lighter but still have about 16pounds to lose to be at my target weight
    I hit this weight about 2 years ago now (I'm turning 23 next month)
    I was looking for someone to perhaps talk to when I'm struggling and share success with if you're interested??
  • Hi Jules! Thanks for introducing yourself. It looks like we have a lot in common. It can be so hard trying to fit exercise into a daily routine when work and school are SO important!

    Please feel free to reach out any time you need to vent or proclaim any excitement!

    If you're interested in perhaps doing a weekly check-in for accountability and goal-sharing with each other let me know as well. It can be really helpful to have someone regularly rooting for you and keeping each other to task!
  • I agree it's so hard to juggle everything! I love working out but I also love sugar and I'm terrible at will power!
    Thank you very much! I definitely will and feel free to do the same!
    Yeah I'm 100% down for that! I weighed this morning after some comfort eating last night which was a terrible idea so I think having someone to check in with is brilliant!
  • Awesome! I'll get in touch with you over PM if that's okay- since it'll be a little more convenient for check-ins. What do you say every Friday we'll give each other a run down of the week? Successes, mistakes, goals, etc.?
  • I like that idea! I seem to slip off the wagon on a weekend so a Friday check in sounds great!!
    Yes deffo!! That's completely fine!!