Brand New!

  • HI!

    I just wanted to say hello. I am here to find support and make friends. I also hope that having some forums I will spend more time chatting with people and less time eating!

    I am on myfitnesspal and I am starting my own blog. Hopefully these tools will also help me. I sure hope so!

    I am 342 and 5'6". I am 34 years old. I have an amazing supportive husband and two wonderful Kidlets. I am a labor and delivery nurse and I really love my job "most days".

    Anyway.. hello! I hope I like it here!

  • Welcome!!!
    I'm new as well .
  • Hi Brooka,

    the Brits have a tv show called One Born Every Minute about you guessed it babies being born.

    I noticed that all the nurses ate a lot of cake and crap together. They talked about it saying with the long hours with not much time for eating meals, they needed a quick energy boost. Well i'd say that is a rationalisation but not a good idea.

    If you are doing that, you should think about finding another way to keep your energy up lol. Good luck. It would be hard when all your mates are stuffing themselves with cake and stuff like that.

    Anyway welcome and hope you find here what you are looking for.
  • Hello! Welcome! I am "new" here also. (i joined a long time ago but never posted with any consistency). I am ready to meet some new folks and make some very positive changes also. Let's do this!