Hello There!

  • Hey Everyone! I'm new obviously. I found the website on google while I was searching for recipe's for healthy foods.

    To start I used to be 118 120 most 135 and after my first child I jumped to 160 stayed around there for a couple of years and then I had a car accident and it didn't allow me to stay active so i gained weight. I went up to 235 I've stayed at about 235 for the last 4 years, So I started dieting a month ago and I've found myself loosing weight. Which is super exciting!. This morning I weighed myself and I'm down to 212. Hoping to reach my goal of 140/130.
  • Hi Krysa! I'm glad you found us! This is a wonderful site and you'll find lots of support here. Congrats on the 18 lbs you've lost so far! That's is fantastic! Good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • Good for you. Keep going...and welcome.
  • Krysa1982!!

    You have already lost weight which is awesome to hear- and now you have all of us to cheer for you! Such a group of sincere cheerleaders can't be found -- but I could be biased...

    Post away, we'll be reading!!!