De-lurking and Hello!

  • Hello 3FC-ers!

    I have been here for a couple of weeks, reading and information-gathering, as I start out on this journey. There's a part of me that has always believed it was impossible to shed this weight; like my body is somehow genetically (karmically?) immune to the laws of science. Reading these forums has so far given me two amazing tools that have already started helping me toward my goal:

    1. The biggie... HOPE!! I see so many success stories here and so many people trying and succeeding on their journey's. Some very similar to mine and some much, much longer than mine (which I am in awe of the strength of character that shows!). For the first time, I'm starting to really think, "hey, this might be possible" and it's exciting!

    2. Actual tools. MyFitnessPal is fantastic! I learned about it here and over the last two weeks, I've learned that I was taking in significantly more calories than I thought I was, and I always considered myself a fairly diligent tracker. I've made a few adjustments and just through that alone have dropped a pound.

    Okay, there's a 3. I learned about "hooping" which I never knew existed and have a hoop on the way, along with an instructional DVD. I also picked up some dumbells and "30 Day Shred". All of which I learned about here. The next step is actually DOING the exercise, instead of just planning for it. lol I'll keep you posted.

    I look forward to learning more from all of you, and maybe sharing some wisdom of my own as I acquire it.

    So, hello!!
  • Welcome! Hope is a big deal, and we're all different, so sometimes it takes experimenting to see what works for us. I've had a heck of a time through the years, but I found my way, mostly. I look forward to seeing you around. Good luck with your journey!
  • Hey there, I love fitness pal to !! I also have been doing 30 day shred and extreme shed and shread by jillian michaels
  • Thank you for the warm welcome!

    QC, that's a beautiful cat.

  • I believe you have already shared your wisdom!

  • Ha ha! Thank you, Rhiko. I've got that kind of wisdom in spades.

    I just noticed you're from NZ! That is the front-runner, by leaps and bounds, for our honeymoon destination next year. What a gorgeous place to call home!
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!!