Bonjour de AnnMawy

  • Hello !

    I'm Ann, a 31 year old .From Quebec Canada, please excuse my english ! Looking for support and motivation to lose weight. Its like if i forgot everything that i should do to lose weight.

    Im really not happy with the image a see in the mirror each morning. And this morning i said to myself this is too much !! I took a day off from work and decided that i will take the day for myself to get my futur of wiegth lost together.

    One day and one pound at the time will be my modo. Also not getting my morning cofee at TimHortons ( because that akways come with a sandwich-donut of pasterie !! ) More planned exercise also for me , i was always thinking about doing it .... but thaughts are not enouf i guess

    Have a great day and hope to read you soon !
  • Bonjour Ann!!!

    I am from Montreal, and I can help you with support if you need motivation or if you have questions.

    Tim Hortons is the devil when you're on a diet. But there is healthier alternatives.

    Either you can get a yogurt parfait (170 calories) instead of a donut or chausson, or you can even simpler, make your coffee at home, and take it a thermos to go!

    It's never too late to start, I can show you some before and after pictures, and I can tell you that it is NOT impossible.

    You can do it, you just have to set your mind to it.

    I read this quote and it kept me motivated for the last year: "One year from now, you'll be glad you started today."

    We are all here for the same reasons, if you have questions, don't be shy. xo GOOD LUCK!! you can do it!!
  • Merci !!

    Yes Getting the thermos cup to cut the temptation is an option for me ! I realise that its alot of changes at the same time !

    So for now, healty choices of food, and regular exercise added to my daily scedule !

    Have a great day
  • Ann, welcome and congratulations on wanting to improve your health.
    PS Your English is just fine. Better than my French. I vacationed several years ago in Montreal, loved it.
  • Welcome! I really admire your motivation to take the time to focus on y-o-u! With that mindset you will achieve your goals in no time! One day and one pound at a time!
  • thanks for the warm welcoming
  • Bienvenue Ann ;-)
    I'm also new to the boards...and to the diet, from Montréal. You took the most important step today and you can be proud of yourself for that. You can do it! Au plaisir ;-)
  • Merci !!