Hi Chicks!

  • Another noob to join the 3 Fat Chicks community, here! I just wanted to introduce myself and my story...
    I've been struggling on and off with my weight for years... I was always the kid who loved to read in my spare time and was never very active. In a family of athletes, I was always the chubby one! I'm now a grad student and working at a desk all day hasn't helped me develop an active lifestyle. Recently I joined a boot-camp style workout group and have been exercising 2-4 times a week since January. I've lost some weight but slowed down the past month or so and have found it hard to keep myself motivated. I like the exercise and don't see myself slowing down anytime soon, but I also love to eat!! I live with my boyfriend, and I tend to hide "bad food" from him and binge when I get a night to myself. I hope the 3FC community will help me remember what I set out to do: lose weight, get healthy and fit! I've lost weight before and, midway through, become complacent and lazy and end up gaining it all back. This time I want to make it stick!
  • Hi Dreamergirl. I'm also new and just joined today. It sounds like we have similar weight loss goals and issues.
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.
