Deja Vu anyone else?

  • Hi everyone... I have been here before, here at this weight, and on this website, as well as numerous other false starts. Could this be the new start for me? I hope so... at my age (40-something) I figured I'd have my eating habits under control. I eat when I am board, lonely.. I have a good job but find myself feeling depressed often (yes, therapy & meds) and turning to food for comfort. Apparently my food issues go back to childhood when I hid food in my room... I am still a sneak eater and want to change that. My weight, well it's not so bad... I'm 5'4" tall and weigh 155 pounds. My weight has been as high as 190+ and my low adult weight is really about 150... so the number on the scale, while yes, I want it to read 140, isn't really the issue, I would just like to stop feeling trapped in a relationship with food where I always end up on the losing end. Maybe today is the start of my cure?