
  • Hello...My name is Aimee and I am 29 years old. I have been fighting the battle of weight for as long as I can remember. I have two children, 3yo and 5 months. I remember thinking I was fat (although I wasn't) since I was 10yo. I don't think I actually got truly obese until I was 18 yo. I have been trying to lose weight with no success but now I am tired of trying to do this on my own. Beleiving that I was fat when I wasn't probably led me to become fat.
    I look at myself in the mirror and I don't see me. I see some fat girl that I don't know. I don't even know how to start losing the weight. You can read all the articles telling you to lower your calories or stop eating carbs or eat "our" food and you will lose weight. I don't have much money for clubs or memberships and I feel too busy to count calories.
    I have a serious sweet tooth and I also have problems with depression which in turn leads me to overeat (usually sweets) which in turn makes me feel bad about myself which leads to a deeper depression. I have talked to my doctor about my depression (postpartum) and she prescribed some medication that I can't take unless I stop breast feeding. I don't know which would be more beneficial. My depression gone or my baby getting what he needs from the breast milk.
  • Welcome to the forums and good luck to you. You mentioned that you are too busy to count calories. I was wondering if you have checked out Fit Day. It's great, it takes 2 seconds to punch in what you eat and it totals the calories, fat and other things for you.
  • I have never heard of Fit Day. What is it?