Weight equivalent of vegetable servings - For Avalon!

  • Hi Avalon, and others! You posted a while back on the difficulty of measuring one cup of certain vegetables because of how the vegetable fits into a measuring cup. Spinich and Broccoli come to mind. I think you asked why IP could not give a weight measurement of certain veggies to help.

    On another thread this morning someone posted this website where you can get the weight equivalent of any veggie. You have to have a scale that measures in grams though. For example 1 cup of broccoli, raw, chopped = 91 grams according to this website:


    I bookmarked this as I think it is so helpful.
  • i like !!
  • Tuscany,

    My clinic gave me a sheet that has all of the weight equivalents in grams and oz so that you can use your meat scale for weights. I've broken it down further and showed 1 cup, 3/4 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1/4 cup. Hope this helps!


  • Quote: Tuscany,

    My clinic gave me a sheet that has all of the weight equivalents in grams and oz so that you can use your meat scale for weights. I've broken it down further and showed 1 cup, 3/4 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1/4 cup. Hope this helps!


    Yes it does thank you!!
  • Quote: Tuscany,

    My clinic gave me a sheet that has all of the weight equivalents in grams and oz so that you can use your meat scale for weights. I've broken it down further and showed 1 cup, 3/4 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1/4 cup. Hope this helps!

    Thank you Kawaii - that is a great help!