Cheat days on Ideal Protein??

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  • After reading your guys' replies on my last post about adding extra protein while exercising I was trying to figure out how I could make this work for me, I CANNOT stop working out.

    Firstly, i NEED to lose 15 pounds by the 28th of this month for an event I have.. After that, im fine with losing weight slowly..

    Anyways, Im currently doing Jillian Michaels 90 day body revolution, and some added cardio until i burn 550-650 calories on my heart rate monitor. I workout 7 days a week.. on one day I just do yoga and maybe some light weight training if i feel up to it..

    I was strictly following the Ideal Protein diet.. But since im working out a lot of people are telling me this diet is a huge no no.

    Im wondering if i could strictly do the Ideal Protein 5 days a week, like monday through friday, then on the weekends bump up my calories a little bit to maybe 1200 or so?

    Would any of this make sense? Just to kind of keep my body from going into starvation mode and to avoid muscle deterioration? Or would i just be knocking myself out of ketosis??

    What exactly knocks you out of ketosis?

    Sorry if it seems like I dont know anything about this diet.. First time I did it i wasnt working out as intensely, and my coach was in town.. this time around, my coach had emergency heart surgery and has been gone for about four weeks and isnt expected back for another 2-3 weeks..
  • First, I think your expectation to lose 15 lbs in 2.5 weeks is unreasonable considering that's more than 10% of your current weight. Following IP to the letter and not exercising, there is no guarantee you will get there, anyway.

    Even bumping up your calories on the weekend isn't going to overcome the deficit you are running with so much exercise. If I were you, I would re-examine why you feel you have to be at certain weight on 8/28 and find a diet that is more exercise friendly, like the diet that is actually part of the 90 day body revolution!

    I'm no health professional, but it does seem your weight loss goals are at odds with good health. Please, please don't push yourself so hard that you end up with a serious injury!
  • I personally think you're trying to "game" the diet.
    It is already a hugely low cal/fat/carb diet.

    You could end up causing yourself medical issues if you don't listen.

    This plan is designed for only moderate exercise
    And remember, exercise is less efficient for quick weight loss than the diet.
  • What knocks you out of ketosis is carbs. You do not need to be in ketosis to loose weight, thought. It just helps with hunger and may also preserve muscle. If you have problems with insulin resistance, ketosis may also be one of few ways to loose weight efficiently.

    If you only do Body revolution, you are probably fine. It is only 30 min and I do not think you burn more than 350 cal. I would just add 1-2 extra packages or add some protein shake.

    I am not sure there is something like starvation mode. But if you do intense exercise (30 min is not intense in my opinion), you risk muscle degradation over time and your metabolism will slow. You really do not loose more with exercise.

    You are not grossly overweight. To loose 1 lb you have to cut 3500 cal. Usually at the point where you are, losses slow down. If you have a fast metabolism and ate for two before you started IP, it may be possible. Otherwise, it will be a close call. I learned the hard way that sometimes your body does not forgive being disregarded.
  • Quote: I personally think you're trying to "game" the diet.
    It is already a hugely low cal/fat/carb diet.

    You could end up causing yourself medical issues if you don't listen.

    This plan is designed for only moderate exercise
    And remember, exercise is less efficient for quick weight loss than the diet.
    Whats an appropriate amount of exercise? What I consider moderate, could be completely different to what someone else would consider.

    Should I only do the program without the added cardio? So burning around 200-350(ish) calories?

    and as far as "listening", my coach isnt here. When I emailed her asking, she just told me to just eat extra egg whites.. so from her e-mail, it sounds to me that my exercise level is just fine. But what everyone on these boards says, its not.
  • WHY in the world are you doing this to yourself?????

    IP is NOT the diet for you. Your Weight loss expectations are unrealistic and could be very harmful.
  • Quote: WHY in the world are you doing this to yourself?????

    IP is NOT the diet for you. Your Weight loss expectations are unrealistic and could be very harmful.
    How are these unrealistic? Averaging a 3-4 pound weight loss a week is normal on this diet, isnt it?
  • Is it your regular coach who had heart surgery who is responding via email, or is it someone who is filling in while your coach is out on medical leave?

    Either way, if you read these threads long enough you will also realize that coaches knowledge and expertise VASTLY vary. Some are extremely well-versed in IP, others know a fair amount, other seem to just sell products, weigh clients and that's it! There are no real controls from what I see.

    Coaches don't even give the same advice on minor things like eating hard boiled eggs or if you are allowed to eat after a certain time at night. We call those "house rules" meaning a particular coach just decided they wanted to do something a certain way that isn't even part of IP because they think it is a good idea.

    If I were you, hearing all the things you are hearing here about your intense exercise being contrary to this eating plan, then I certainly would want to meet with a medical doctor who is also versed in IP and/or an IP coach themselves. I would want to know exactly WHAT is safe and appropriate, not what I hear from a multitude of people who also can't agree on what is "ok."

    Your well-being is way too important to not have the correct information!!

    PLEASE consider..
  • Quote: How are these unrealistic? Averaging a 3-4 pound weight loss a week is normal on this diet, isnt it?
    But you really aren't following the diet. And exercise slows loss further.
  • Quote: How are these unrealistic? Averaging a 3-4 pound weight loss a week is normal on this diet, isnt it?
    It's also "normal" for most people on IP to have very high starting weights on IP, and it's also very normal for small and large people on IP to lose less than 3 lbs a week. No one on IP is guaranteed a 3-4 lb weight loss every week.

    I weigh around 300 lbs, and I am following a plan VERY similar to IP, and so far, over the course of the first 6 weeks, I've lost an average of "only" 3 lbs per week.

    Of course, I'm absolutely thrilled because this is about 10x faster than any other plan I've tried in the last 10 - 15 years.
  • Quote: How are these unrealistic? Averaging a 3-4 pound weight loss a week is normal on this diet, isnt it?
    But your math still doesn't work. You have 2.5 weeks to lose 15 pounds. 2.5 times 4 pounds = 10 pounds. You need to lose at a rate of 6 lbs/week.
  • Many hard core fitness enthusiasts (like body builders) do a ketogenic diet, but they dont do anything nearly as low cal as IP. Check out some other plans online (like, one of my faves) and find something that supports the lifestyle you are choosing. IP doesn't seem to meet your requirements, so I wouldn't twist yourself and the diet into a pretzel trying to do it all.

    Good luck and good losses!
  • Quote: But your math still doesn't work. You have 2.5 weeks to lose 15 pounds. 2.5 times 4 pounds = 10 pounds. You need to lose at a rate of 6 lbs/week.
    I don't think anyone "needs" to lose 6lbs a week or 15 lbs in less than three weeks. Just doesn't sound like safe or reasonable thinking.
  • Quote: and as far as "listening", my coach isnt here. When I emailed her asking, she just told me to just eat extra egg whites.. so from her e-mail, it sounds to me that my exercise level is just fine. But what everyone on these boards says, its not.
    You're asking, people are giving sensible advice, and you are not listening. It sounds to me like you need to take some deep breaths and get a grip! The diet and exercise don't mix. Some folks, like me, can't do any exercise on this plan. It can be dangerous!
  • This doesn't have really anything to do with this thread- I just want to say that I LOVE that I don't have to exercise on IP! Exercise sucks!