Post Thanksgiving CONTEST!!! Did we lose a person worth of fat???

  • I'd love to tally up everyone's WI figures, weather the success be pounds, inches, clothing size, or other. We each had a success of some kind... And see how much we lost!!! I bet if we add up everyone here we lost a person in a week! Well, not literally. If you'll post your WI progress I'll add it up!!!

    Me: 5.4 lbs, 1.5 inches (my first week)
  • 2.6 down! I don't measure inches, though, so I can't contribute to that part
  • I dropped 6 pounds!
  • Wk: 4 dropped 3.8lbs!!
  • Heri is my contribution - lost 2 pounds on weigh in this week!
  • 4.5 from me!
  • 4.5 from me also!