Body for Life #3

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  • Starting a New Thread. Will Bring BFL Information to the new ones so that anyone looking for info can access it easily.

    General Body for Life Information

    Must Have: Body for Life book by Bill Phillips

    BFL eating program in a nutshell (see book for more details): six meals a day 2-3 hours apart consisting of balanced (or close to balanced) protein/carb using fist/palm method of measurement. 2 meals a day add green veggies. 8-10 glasses of water per day.

    Because of the six meal requirement, some people find it convenient to have Meal Replacement Drinks and/or Bars on hand. This is not a requirement but a convenience.

    Meal Replacement Shakes and Bars (Shakes are better IMHO). Look for good ratios of protein to carb and low sugar (Myoplex by EAS and Met Rx not anything like Slimfast

    Vitamins: suggest multivitamin

    Supplements: l-glutamine for faster muscle recovery and immune system (this is not required but almost standard fare on BFL)

    Supplements optional: many but many BFLers take creatine

    Workout schedule (see book for more details): 45-60 minutes intense weight trainining 3 times a week working lower and upper body on different days. 20 minutes intense cardio 3 x a week (see the BFL book)

    Free Day: One day a week no workout and eat any thing you please, as much as you please.

    Rest: 12 weeks of program with one day of rest each week and then one week of rest between each 12 weeks.

    Mental requirements: commitment and dedication
  • Body for life Links

    (for plus women)
    (for women)
    (Thanks Christie!)
    (AB BOOTCAMP!!!)
  • Terrific idea - a new BFL thread!
    Today was supposed to be my 'rest day'/'free day' but it was so gorgeous this morning, that I hotfooted it over to the gym for a very light 35 minute workout on the EFX...

    Got on the scale and I'm down to 155 1/2! I haven't had the courage to weigh myself for a few weeks so I'm pleased as punch to see those numbers go down. Just makes me want to keep up the program...

    I just told Jim that today was my 'free day' so we're going to go out for breakfast - Even though I have the freedom today to eat whatever I want, I'm going to attempt to maintain SOME self-control!

    We went to a party in San Francisco last night and I was up pretty late - Jim's a bassist and was jamming with the band. After my workout yesterday, I had to go back to bed due to a sick migraine (I always get one at TOM) and slept until 5 p.m. I feel okay now though - we're planning on riding our bikes over by Crystal Springs today after breakfast!

    Take care!
  • Hi Mrs. Jim,

    Did you read my reply to your bathing suit post in the last thread? Too funny!

    Last week I did cardio on my free day and felt wiped out by Friday. I've wondered if the free day cardio did me in...let me know how you do this week!!!!

    I too get headaches at TOM (right now, which also could be responsible for my poor performance during Friday's cardio)........

    The party sounds fun. I used to date a guitarist/bassist and I know how that jamming thing goes.

    It is a beautiful day in the Bay Area.......and I'm going to take my bike (motorcycle) for a run this afternoon.

    Free Day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am also going to try to eat moderately indulgent today.........and keep drinking my water......without the water, Mondays are BRUTAL!!!!!!!!

    How is everyone else doing?????????
  • Susan...
    Yes! I DID see your bathing suit post!

    I'm a BIG fan of catalog/online clothes shopping - don't like hitting the malls too much (crowds and time factor). Lands End and LL Bean are my faves.

    Good idea about the water, I'm getting a big glass right now!

    Take care...
  • Hi all. Wow! Y'all are really busy on a Sunday morning.

    I enjoyed my free day. I know I ate way too much & enjoyed a couple of beers. I did go walking & walked about 2 miles. My body just couldn't stand not getting a little exercise.

    I did my UBWO this morning. I'm already feeling it in my shoulders. I'm hoping starting on a Sunday will make it easier on me for the rest of the week.

    Susan & Mrs. Jim, Sounds like both of you are doing great.

    Frosty & Christy, How are y'all doing?

    I'm gearing up for my final presentations & papers for school. I'll be so relieved by this time next week!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • HI Jen,

    I have considered switching my free day to Saturday. Maybe when I'm off this summer it will move around.
    I, too, am almost done with school but I have a week of review and 2 weeks of finals. yeech.

    I'm not doing too bad this free day. In fact I went to a small gathering and they had a buffet and I found myself doing veggies and dip all afternoon instead of the really high calorie stuff. Oh well. Tonight I have sorbet and that I just love. I've been craving it for about 3 days now!!!

  • My ULTIMATE goal!!!
    Except I will be a bit more muscular. I cut and pasted my face on this models body... and it is such an inspiration! I put this as the background on my computer, and printed it out and put it up on my fride! I love it!!!
  • Free day over - back to business!
    Okay, I went a little nuts on my "free day" yesterday...

    First off, I was supposed to rest but my old inner alarm clock went off at 6:15 a.m. (after going to bed at 1:00 a.m. but since I spent the entire day on Saturday sleeping off a migraine I felt pretty rested). So of COURSE I got up, got dressed and did a very light (for me) 40 minute workout on the EFX at the gym!

    Also, yesterday was such a lovely day that Jim and I bicycled up Canada Road through Woodside for about two hours before I started bonking. However, first we went out for breakfast where I ordered two scrambled eggs, two slices of toast and hashbrowns (along with lots of water). I could only eat 1/2 my hashbrowns but Jim finished them off for me!

    I did go a bit nuts later on as well, had some Cherry Garcia frozen yogurt, a couple of small pieces of garlic bread and some oven-baked steak fries.

    Last night (for the first time since starting the Challenge) I wrote down my planned menus for today right after writing down my planned workout for this morning, which was lower body (I'm just following what pops up on the EAS Training Zone site).

    The neat thing about the "free day" is that this morning I felt motivated to begin again! It's great to have that free day to look forward to!

    Take care...
  • Hi everyone.

    Susan, I think I did better with Saturday being my free day. I'll be so glad when school is over & I don't have to have everything ready the next day before I go to bed. I always have the meat cooked, but I hate packing up a whole days meals.

    Christy, I love the idea of putting your head on the body you want. What visualization! I just haven't found a good picture for me to do that with just yet....I'm going to keep looking. I keep "before" pictures posted on the fridge so I have to see them everytime I open the door. I keep telling myself, "I'm NOT going back there!"

    Mrs. Jim, I think you did great for a free day. I usually consume lots more than that. Plus, all the exercise you get in. Wow! I am impressed. I agree about being refreshed to start the next week though. I'm already thinking about my next free day. I'm planning on crawfish & beer!

    Next week is going to be a tough one for me foodwise. I think there will be lots of celebrating going on. Several people have told me they want to take me out and all I can think about is, how is this going to fit into the program? UGH!!!

    So far this week (Day 2 for me) is going well. I'm not getting the full 6 meals in though. I usually get 4-5 meals in. I get in all the water though. Just something to keep working towards.

    Have a great evening everyone.
  • Hi Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jen--I hate packing a full days meals as well...what a pain! I will do better when I'm at home. My days are very long and I have to take 4 or 5 meals with me each day. YUCCH.

    Mrs Jim--your free day does not sound bad. I do believe that the free day keeps you motivated because you begin fresh every single week. I also know that if I don't eat clean during the week, I haven't earned that free day! I LOVE the free day but I LOVE when it's over!!!!

    I did okay today but I liked my orange at lunch a whole lot more than my chicken. I could eat just oranges. I am not a good protein eater. but I do it.

    I'm doing a LATE night at the gym tonight due to a 12 hour day at school. I'll be going to 24 hour fitness in a couple of hours.

  • One day at a time...
    ...feeling just totally terrific today! Had a great workout this morning - did my 20 minute cardio then spent another 40 at a much easier pace. I always do a couple of sets of abs on cardio days as well.

    Here's something I cannot believe -

    A new gal just moved into the workstation next door to mine...I always hear her chatting with her friends about weight loss, WW, etc etc (we have a pretty active WW at Work program here) and giving weight loss advice to them... She looks to be about 30 or so pounds overweight... can imagine my surprise when I walked by her workstation and least FOUR big candy jars filled with Reese's Cups, Hershey Miniatures, Tootsie Roll Pops, etc!!!

    I believe that one of the top reasons that so many of us working gals pack on the pounds are those jars of candy (as well as the goodies brought in) that people leave on their desks/workstations with a big "HELP YOURSELF" sign attached!! As a rule, I don't keep candy or food at my desk - not only for my sake but my boss' as well - she's doing so great on her weight loss I don't want her to blow it!

    But - can you BELIEVE? Trying to lose weight while keeping candy readily available - like being an alcoholic and working at a liquor store, at least IMHO!
  • Susan, Good for you for still going to the gym. I have to admit, I haven't been doing great getting the workouts in. All this last minute school stuff is just killing me!

    Mrs. Jim, I had this conversation at work today. It was one of my coworker's birthday & they had all this food! I ate a little as I was so hungry, but really wished I hadn't. I don't keep food at work other than some protien bars & shakes for my snacks. I can do pretty good staying out of the candy most of the time....just some days.

    Well, my presentation calls! Have a great evening & rest of the week.
  • What I do with work goodies..
    ...well, I could put them in the kitchen on our floor but that's just a wee bit too close for me...

    What I usually do with any leftover meeting delectables, candy or cookies (I got a big tin of English biscuits sent to me from the hotel in London our meeting was at a couple of weeks ago as a thank-you gift) is send them right down to the mail room! Coincidentally hubby Jim works down there...and generously shares any goodies with his team members. I figure, hey, they're doing physical labor - they'll burn off the calories faster than I would just sitting on my butt in front of the computer!

    Also, yesterday I bit the bullet and ordered a 42 serving box of Myoplex Lite and a 30-serving container of Betagen from - great prices there... I also won a case of 24 ready to drink cans of Myoplex on eBay for a mere $36.00 plus shipping last week. I'm still using the Lean Body for Her bars and shakes that I have left until I get my Myoplex.
  • Beware of the Myoplex RTD shakes...
    They have 16grams of sugar per can. It isn't as bad as something like Slimfast, but still too much sugar in my opinion. I treat them like I do Bars. I only eat them when I have too, or when out, or when there is no better choice. They will be helpful when in a bind or when you are out and about, though. I just don't suggest using them on a daily bases. Too much sugar spikes the insulin levels in your body, which in turn promotes fat storage. Or you can use them for your after weight training meal, when you need that high glycemic carb to replenish your muscles and such. But that is only time I suggest using them.
    You can also go to and look up any product, and then click on 'nutritional info.' and it will give you a list of the nutritional value in any product.