metabolic research clinic or slimmer image

  • Does anyone have any information on either of these plans. They advertise in my area, and I am curious to learn more about them. Thanks
  • Metabolic Research Clinic
    I know a little about the Metabolic Diet, several people I know are on it. They both have had success
    losing weight but to me the diet is so restictive you would have to lose weight. Mostly vegetables ,
    certain ones not allowed (carrots for one), NO SUGAR, the center sells protein drinks that you are encouraged to
    purchase, you can have very lean protein meats, some fruit. I think very little breads, I don't ever see my friends eating a sandwich. I think she has a slice of melba toast for breakfast with a small piece of cheese. I would think it is very healthy but I don't know how long one can continue to eat that way. I 'm sure there are lots of success stories , I hope people can keep the weight off.

    I think it it rather pricey because you have to keep paying them to keep up the program & keep buying the drinks.

    If I am wrong in any of my information I apologize & stand to be corrected.

    Let me know if you find any infomation about Metabolic & what you think about it.
  • A Slimmer Image
    We have "A Slimmer Image" here in Virginia Beach which isnt a weight loss place but a body wrap place
    that claims you can lose 6-20 inches I think (depending on how big you are) on your first wrap which wont come back unless you gain weight. They say it's not water but "toxins" etc.. trapped under the skin. I had a friend who did a similar
    type wrap (who is an average not plus girl) and she did lose an inch in her waist and an inch in her hips, I don't know about everywhere else though. It's expensive $100.00 a wrap but their commercials are tempting..people going down several sizes after numerous weekly wraps!

    I don't know if it's the same place you are talking about or not!!
  • Hi!
    I just received your replies. I joined Metabolic Research Center one week ago. Your information is correct. It is very strict, and the weight loss is very fast, and I know that the hard part will be to keep it off. I joined because I have an event this summer that I have to lose weight for and I waited too long to lose the right way. This plan is good for people who can't have a lot of choices and need to be told exactly what to do. When I was on WW, I could justify anything! So for now, this is a good plan but it isn't a long term solution! Thanks for your information!