So many programs, so confused!

  • What is Slimgenics and how does it compare to all the others like Jenny, Nutri, weight watchers... ect.

    I'm very confused as to what works, I am NOT a big exercise person, other than walking the dog and a little WII. I'm 55 and very over weight, 180lbs! I use to be bulimic, and I've been thin my entire life until my husband died two years ago. I've heard the food from Jenny and Nutrisystem is not to good.

    Any input would be very much appreciated
  • I am not familiar with Slimgenics but I have done both Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig is much better NutriSystem is mediocre at best. After trying almost everything out there I turned to Calorie Counting and find it works best for me, it is less restrictive and you eill learn how to eat for life and it is free.
  • Thanks Bargo, so would that something like Weight Watchers?
  • WW counts points instead of calories and of course there is a fee for WW. There are a lot of dedicated WW out there as well as Calorie Counters. South Beach is also popular and many others, look around the forums and see what other posters are saying about their favorites.