Newbie to the diet world!

  • Hi everybody! I just joined this site. I got back surgery on May 9th, and had to spend my 3 month-long recovery basically lying down watching TV. I went from working out 5 days a week to not at all, and I became ravenously hungry during my recovery! So naturally I gained some weight, which I am anxious to lose! I am all healed now and slowly getting back into my workout routine, but I have never dieted in my life. Any tips from seasoned dieters, such as which kind of diets work fast, which diets are just bad, food/snack ideas, etc? I'm inexperienced at this and want to do it right, as I have a wedding in a month I want to lose a few pounds for. I want to be at my goal in December, where I will be doing a charity run in Boston in a two-piece
  • Welcome

    It sounds like you just want to get back to normal, so since you're already adding in activity I suggest something like Calorie Counting.

    You'll be able to keep an eye on your daily/weekly calorie totals and while eating the things you used to before you can get your portions back down into a manageable size.

    The only "bad" diets are crash diets or diets that say "take this pill, drink this drink and you'll lose 20 pounds!" Those things are scams.

    Stick to calories in/calories out to start and with your added activity you should see results.

    Best of wishes!