Water Weight

  • How long does it take for water weight to leave one's system? I drank 83oz of water yesterday and I am up 1.8 lbs (that I refuse to chart) even though I was under my calorie limit. Does a body get used to a large intake of water over a period of time so one will not see increases in weight?
  • If drinking that much water in a day is a new thing for you, then your body will retain it for a little. I don't know how long. I take cranberry capsules for water retention. They work pretty good.
  • sometimes I eat an apple and drink 2 glasses of warm ( not hot ) water.


    you can take these tablets called Senokot
    they are just tables with condensed grass. They're supposed to make you go to the bathroom. There are 0 chemicals. JUST disgusting grass =.=
    take 2 every morning and night after dinner and breakfast.
    the problem is, you may become dependent on them :/

  • Thanks for the responses.