whats your snack weapon?

  • what do you snack on guilt free?

    mine at the mo is ice lollys , just the basic juice ones (not sugary , or choc ones)

    I get a box if 15 for about £1.00 and there great when i fancy something sweet.

    i also like to make chilli dips up and dunk carrots or bread sicks
  • I like to make a big pot of vegetable soup, which is good when it's cold outside. I just made some today using organic vegetable broth and the following veggies: onion, mushroom cauliflower and carrots.

    I like your idea! Thanks!
  • apple slices
  • navel oranges...YUM!
  • A jumbo boiled egg. It is 90 calories and makes a perfect snack.
  • I make a yogurt Parfait. I use vanilla light and fit yogurt and frozen berrys or sometimes I use light and fit strawberry yogurt. I put my parfait in small containers that are the size of 1 cup! it's sooooooo goood!!! I sprinkly graham crackers on top or have it with an apple. All together it's like 160 calories and it takes the edge off my hunger in the afternoons!!
  • 11 almonds, veggie snack packs (pre make a bunch of ziplocs with cut veggies), portioned cheese