How gross....

  • I have a "food" buddie at work. Whenever we need encouragement or feel a urge to have something off plan we consult each other. Well, I didn't seek her out and went to the newsstand in the lobby with the idea of getting a candy bar. I narrowed it down to a 3 musketeers or a peppermint patty. I bought the 3 musketeers and as I was waiting for the cashier to give me my change I look at the candy bar and see that a mouse has eaten through it. I am not one of those people that get a warm fuzzy feeling about these little creatures. I was grossed out and cancelled the purchase. This is the easiest access to yummy fattening treats and because of the mouse thing I most likely will not buy anything from there again. I guess I can look at it as the universe helping me to not make poor choices. mmmmK!
  • ew ew ewwww! i'm not afraid of mice but i certainly dont want to be sharing food with them LOL!
  • Ummm yea totally gross! i am terrified of mice and certainly do not want them anywhere near anything that I come in contact with lol
  • Hahaha Actually you should be glad! Think of all the calories you wil be saving!

    I'd be grossed out forever!
  • What did the newsstand say about the mouse? Can you notify whatever the American (?) equivalent of Environmental Health is? Rodents getting into the food products is a serious health risk, they should investigate.

    (And yes, ick. A friend of mine once complained to his landlord that mice were eating through their crisps. The landlord said, "Are you sure it's not your flatmates?" My friend said, "But why would they nibble their way through the packets first?")
  • Shameful confession --- before I started this journey I would have eaten around the place the mouse ate through! But now I am gagging at the thought of that happening to me. So, yeah, ewwwwww is right!
  • bleugh that's horrible!!
  • That is disgusting! You really didn't want that candy, right? lol
  • Gross! I say use that for motivation to stay away from the stand in the future. Next time you're tempted to go buy a candy bar or other unhealthy snack there, just think of that mouse and how it's been all OVER the stuff they sell! Yuck!
  • I have had a hard time drinking soda from a can since I heard that the mice run over the cans in storage and urinate and drop feces while doing so ...ewwwwww
  • Yuck !
  • Quote: I have had a hard time drinking soda from a can since I heard that the mice run over the cans in storage and urinate and drop feces while doing so ...ewwwwww
    They actually did that story on mythbusters, they went to a bunch of different stores and tested a ton of soda cans and none of them had mice feces or urine on them :-P
  • Quote: I have had a hard time drinking soda from a can since I heard that the mice run over the cans in storage and urinate and drop feces while doing so ...ewwwwww
    Wow that just killed any thought i've had about having pop again
  • Ahh I work at a retail store and we have some protein bars in the front, one day my manager told me to look through them and throw outs the ones with holes because we have a big rat that eats those. I've seen him once, seriously the size of a mini-football. Haha he got all muscular from eating those protein bars